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Bejayjay fingertape helps to prevent and protect the joints of your fingers. This fingertape eliminates the uncomfortable, the messyness and the loss of time always you need to just cut a piece to protect your fingers. 
Learn how to put it correctly to strenghten and protect your grips in your Judo or Jiu-Jitsu training. 

Different colours available. 



Never tried Jiu-Jitsu before?
The 3-Day-Trial Pass is designed for brand new practicioners only!

and get your 3-Day-Trial Pass now.

Your trial will be discounted from the sign-up fee once you register as a member. 

Thanks for your choice!

Purchase your 3-day-trial through the link on your e-mail and don't forget to show it once you come. Hope to see you very soon!

Please notice the 3-Day-Trial pass is for brand new practicioners only.